Sermon Archive

A listing of all our sermons by series, or scripture

For Non-Christians Who Doubt

2-part Series

A series on questioning faith & the Bible from the perspective of a Christian. A lot of times, non-Christian doubt involves doubting if there even is a God that exists at all. Additionally, non-Christian doubt often involves a person simply continuing to not believe certain claims that they never believed in the first place. This series seeks to answer that type of doubt.
last updated on Oct 30, 2022

For Christians Who Doubt

2-part Series

A series on questioning faith & the Bible from the perspective of a Christian. Christian doubt is a bit different than non-Christian doubt. Sometimes it sounds more like, “What do I do if I’m tempted to turn my back on what I have believed for years?” or “What if my Mom and Dad were sincere when they brought me up in church, and yet were sincerely wrong?” Other times, Christian doubt can even manifest itself in someone thinking, “I am not doubting that God exists. I am doubting that He’s good.” This series seeks to answer that type of doubt.
last updated on Oct 16, 2022

The Life of Paul: Series 2

13-part Series

This is the second part of the series. In this series, we will learn the story of how a Jesus-persecuting man became the author of over a dozen New Testament letters.
last updated on Sep 25, 2022

Spending Someone Else's Money

9-part Series

This series is about what the Bible says about money. While this series does briefly cover church tithing, that is not the focus of this series. This series mainly covers the broader categories of your finances (it's impact on eternity, compassion giving, savings, debt, spending, and contentment).
last updated on Jun 26, 2022

The Life of Paul

14-part Series

In this series, we will learn the story of how a Jesus-persecuting man became the author of over a dozen New Testament letters.
last updated on Apr 10, 2022

Stand-Alone Sermons (2022)

Generally we preach in series, but sometimes there are messages that just don't fit into that mold. All of those messages (from 2022) are housed here.
last updated on Nov 13, 2022

Planned & Unplanned Parenthood

4-part Series

In this Christmas series, we will see that the birth of Christ, while unplanned from the human perspective, was planned a long time ago by our saving God.
last updated on Dec 26, 2021

Hard Feelings

4-part Series

Everyone has to deal with things like anxiety, anger, and discouragement, at least from time to time. It will be good for us to know that the Bible gives us instruction not only about what to believe and what to do, but even about how we should feel.
last updated on Nov 28, 2021