What kind of church is Good News?
Good News Church is a Bible-teaching, non-denominational church.
Get ready for an intensely practical series of sermons coming up at Good News Church! Since everyone has occasions in their life where a particular relationship is difficult to navigate, it’s good to know that the Bible has a lot to say about this topic!
View How To Handle Relational DramaSometimes there are thoughts that we'd love to share with you, but they really don't fit anywhere in particular. So we have a blog for just such items.
We also have a large archive of all of our previous sermon series. Feel free to have a listen.
We maintain a few shared playlists on Apple Music & Spotify. They serve two purposes: To allow you to learn songs before we sing them, and to listen to a wider array of songs that we have sung corporately for the life of Good News.
5600 SE 24th St
Ocala, FL 34480
Phone: (352) 229-8901
Email: info@goodnewsocala.com
Good News Church is located off of Baseline Rd in Ocala, FL. Whether you're coming from North, or South FL, it's a quick jaunt on I-75, or just straight up US Hwy 441.
Get DirectionsChurch is not just Sunday mornings. It's a community of believers joined together. Keep in touch with us throughout the week.
Facebook Twitter Join a Community GroupThe stewardship of our finances is a tremendous—and often overlooked—area of our lives where we can faithfully proclaim the gospel. Giving strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. We trust in Him and His provision instead of our perceived self-sufficiency. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously.
Give Your MoneyJust as we can donate from our finances, we can also donate our time. In this way you can help serve people inside, and outside, the church body. We have many ways in which you can serve:
"Welcome to Good News Church! It is our desire to see people’s lives positively changed by God through the good news of Jesus Christ. This brings glory to God, which, we believe, is the ultimate purpose of life. We invite you to attend our Sunday morning worship service at 9:15am & 11:00am. We hope you come, and we hope you like it!" — Pastor Mario Villella
Good News Church meets every Sunday at 9:15am & 11:00am.
We realize that visiting a new church can be a little stressful. What am I supposed to wear? Will there be anything for my children? What if the pastor is weird? What if the guy sitting next to me is weird? Is anyone going to ask me to do something like stand up and introduce myself?
In order to alleviate some of that discomfort, we’ve designed this section to inform you about what to expect at our church, and to answer some frequently asked questions.
When you arrive you will see a driveway that leads to either the left or right side of the building. You can park on either side of the building, but the left parking area is closest to KidZone, our children’s program, and the auditorium we use for our Main Service.
Each Sunday morning we have coffee and donuts available before and during the service. The service is typically a little over an hour long, and is comprised primarily of music and Bible teaching. The music is current in style, and so is the Bible teaching (even though it is based on a very old book.) Childcare is provided for the entire length of the service for children who are in PreK and younger. Kindergarten through 5th graders accompany their parents for the first part of the service (the music part) and then are dismissed during the sermon time to KidZone. They will be taught a Bible lesson geared for their age group. All other children are invited to attend the main church service with everyone else. After the service, people are encouraged to hang out with one another to get to know each other.
Would you like a more exhaustive explanation of the vision of Good News Church? What kind of church is Good News? What are we trying to accomplish? All of these questions were answered in a 3-part series we did called "Focused".
Good News Church is a Bible-teaching, non-denominational church.
Our church service is on Sunday mornings at 9:15am & 11:00am. We meet at 5600 SE 24th St., Ocala, FL.
Modern music. We use drums, guitars, and keyboard. Most of the music is heavily influenced by Passion, Rend Collective, Hillsong, Matt Maher, Crowder, Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall, etc…
Wear whatever you’d like. Most attendees dress casual.
Our children’s ministry is called KidZone, and it breaks down into four main groups:
We also have a Youth Group that meets on Wednesdays @ 6:00pm.
Well, today is your lucky day! This church is for you. We strive to make sure that what we do on Sunday mornings is helpful and understandable, even if it has been a long time since you last went to church (or even if you have never been to a church before.)
The Bible.