Sermons by Scripture

A listing of all our sermons for John 1

August 25, 2024 Mario Villella
Part 2: John the Baptist
Conversations Jesus Had
Mario Villella

Part 2 of "Conversations Jesus Had." Matthew 3:13-17. This sermon encourages us to believe God's testimony that Jesus is the Son of God.

December 10, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 5: Sacrifice
Titles of the Christ
Mario Villella

Part 5 of "Titles of the Christ." Romans 3:23-26. In this sermon, we learn that Jesus was our sacrifice. We also learn why Jesus needed to die in order for us to be forgiven.

December 3, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 4: God
Titles of the Christ
Mario Villella

Part 4 of "Titles of the Christ", John 1:1-15. In this sermon, we learn that Jesus is God and why that matters.

November 26, 2023 Doug Davison
Part 3: King
Titles of the Christ
Doug Davison

Titles of the Christ, Part 3: King. As King, Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth - Matthew 28:18. Even the rolled dice of Yahtzee are under His authority - Proverbs 16:33. In this sermon Jesus' authority over creation, governments, Satan, sin and salvation is presented using lots of confirming Scriptures.

November 12, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 1: Prophet
Titles of the Christ
Mario Villella

Part 1 of "Titles of the Christ" Deuteronomy 18:15-19. In this sermon, we learn that Jesus is THE prophet and that we must listen to Him.

November 27, 2022 Doug Davison
Part 2: Heaven
Heaven: Yes, Hell: No
Doug Davison

What is heaven? Where is heaven? What is heaven like? Who will go to heaven? This sermon addresses these questions and is part 2 of the mini-series: Heaven Yes / Hell No.

October 2, 2022 Doug Davison
The Truth. The Whole Truth. Nothing But The Truth.
Stand-Alone Sermons (2022)
Doug Davison

What is truth? This stand alone sermon attempts to answer this question while building and strengthening a biblical worldview which is much needed as Christians live in a growing post-modern & post-truth culture.

May 16, 2021 Doug Davison
Part 5: Intentional Evangelism A
Doug Davison

Part 5 of the "Intentional" series, "Intentional Evangelism A", Matthew 28:16-20. This sermon tells why we ought to go evangelize and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

March 28, 2021 Doug Davison
Part 2: Why Does Christ’s Death Matter?
Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.
Doug Davison

Part 2 of "Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.", John 19:28-42 and others. This sermon explains why Jesus needed to die.

December 20, 2020 Mario Villella
Part 3: Revelation
Christmas As...
Mario Villella

Part 3 of "Christmas As." Hebrews 1:1-3 and John 1:1-3 and 14-18. Jesus revealed God to Humanity.

December 10, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 5: Sacrifice
Jesus Is...
Mario Villella

Part 5 of the sermon series Jesus Is... Romans 3:23-26 and others.  In this sermon, we learn why Jesus died for us.

December 3, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 4: King
Jesus Is...
Mario Villella

Part 4 of the sermon series Jesus Is... Colossians 1:13 and others. In this sermon, we learn what it means that Jesus is King.

November 19, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 2: Prophet
Jesus Is...
Mario Villella

Part 2 of the sermon series Jesus Is... Deut. 18:15 and others. In this sermon we learn that Jesus is Prophet, and how we should react to that truth.

November 12, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 1: God
Jesus Is...
Mario Villella

Part 1 of the sermon series Jesus Is... John 1:1-3 and others. In this sermon we learn that Jesus is God and why that matters.

December 11, 2016 Mario Villella
Part 3: Hebrews 1
Christmas In Unlikely Places
Mario Villella

This is the third part of our series, "Christmas In Unlikely Places" Hebrews 1:1-3. In this sermon, we will learn that we can understand and know God because He revealed Himself to us through Jesus.

November 27, 2016 Mario Villella
Part 1: John 1
Christmas In Unlikely Places
Mario Villella

This is the first part of our series, "Christmas In Unlikely Places" John 1:1-3 & 14-15.

July 10, 2016 Mario Villella
Part 14: Meeting With God
Out of Egypt
Mario Villella

This is the fourteenth part of our series, "Out of Egypt." Exodus 24:1-18.  In this sermon we see a "covenant ceremony" as God communicates with His people.  We learn about how He is exalted over us, and also near to us and involved with us.

December 24, 2015 Mario Villella
Part 4: It Is The Night Of Our Dear Savior’s Birth
O Holy Night
Mario Villella

This is the part 4, the conclusion, of our series, "O Holy Night". Why do we celebrate night of our Savior's birth? Birthday celebrations are generally a celebration of that person's life. So why are we so fixated on our Savior's birth night?

March 23, 2014 Terry French
Come And See
Stand-Alone Sermons (2014)
Terry French

Jesus Christ accomplished the single greatest thing, and Jesus wants you to "come and see".

August 4, 2013 Jerry Moews
The Good News Is So Good Because The Bad News Is So Bad
Stand-Alone Sermons (2013)
Jerry Moews

There are a lot of bad things happening in this world. There is an intended target, but we have missed that target. But through the love of our Creator we have proof because His son was made sin to take on the punishment that we deserve.