Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

Sermons by Scripture

A listing of all our sermons for Proverbs 2

July 11, 2021 Doug Davison
Part 18: Listening
Way of Wisdom
Doug Davison

Way of Wisdom, Part 18: Listening. God gave us ears to listen (Proverbs 20:12)! This sermon is about how we listen to God's Word.

June 20, 2021 Mario Villella
Part 15: Family Relationships
Way of Wisdom
Mario Villella

Part 15 of "Way of Wisdom." This sermon looks at twelve proverbs concerning family.

January 31, 2021 Mario Villella
Part 5: Spot the Differences
Way of Wisdom
Mario Villella

Part 5 of "Way of Wisdom", Proverbs 2:1-22. We focus on some of the differences in Ch 1 and 2. We will learn about indoctrinating our children, pursuing wisdom, how wisdom connects us to a personal God, and what the results of wisdom and foolishness are.