Sermon Archive

A listing of all our sermons by series, or scripture

Busy Christmas

3-part Series

For many people, the Christmas season is a time of stress and hustle. This series was designed to help us navigate this unique time of year.
last updated on Dec 22, 2019

Making Sense of Church

9-part Series

We realize that church can be confusing if you've never been a part of one before, and even more confusing if you have been a part of several of them! So, through this series, we want to explain some foundational issues like: how the church functions, what practices are unique to us, and what this has to do with you and your life.
last updated on Jun 23, 2019

The Gospel of Mark: Series 2

8-part Series

This is the second part of a sermon series that goes through the book of Mark. We will be taking this book verse by verse. This is a longer running series through 2019.
last updated on Apr 14, 2019

Getting Down To Work

5-part Series

As you may have guessed, this series is about what the Bible has to say on the topic of work. This should be helpful as the great majority of us, whether we are going into an office, raising children, or doing manual labor outdoors... we all end up spending a lot of our time working. So, it would be good for us to know what the Bible says about this huge and important aspect of our lives.
last updated on Feb 3, 2019

Stand-Alone Sermons (2019)

last updated on Dec 1, 2019

Stand-Alone Sermons (2018)

last updated on Dec 9, 2018

Back To Bethlehem

3-part Series

This series goes back to three stories in the Bible that mention the town of Bethlehem. We will be going through Ruth, David, and on to Jesus.
last updated on Dec 24, 2018

The Gospel of Mark: Series 1

13-part Series

This is a sermon series that goes through the book of Mark. We will be taking this book verse by verse and it will be a longer running series through 2018 and into 2019.
last updated on Dec 2, 2018