Sermons by Scripture

A listing of all our sermons for Romans 8

November 26, 2023 Doug Davison
Part 3: King
Titles of the Christ
Doug Davison

Titles of the Christ, Part 3: King. As King, Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth - Matthew 28:18. Even the rolled dice of Yahtzee are under His authority - Proverbs 16:33. In this sermon Jesus' authority over creation, governments, Satan, sin and salvation is presented using lots of confirming Scriptures.

November 5, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 3: Joseph Forgives
Joseph's Story
Mario Villella

Part 3 of "Joseph's Story" Genesis 41:53-50:21. This is the final sermon in a series on the life of Joseph, adapted from the messages that were taught earlier this year at Teen Reach Adventure Camp 2023.

October 29, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 2: Joseph Is Promoted
Joseph's Story
Mario Villella

Part 2 of "Joseph's Story" Genesis 39:1-41:46. This is a continuation of a series on the life of Joseph, adapted from the messages that were taught earlier this year at Teen Reach Adventure Camp 2023.

October 22, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 1: Joseph Is Betrayed
Joseph's Story
Mario Villella

Part 1 of "Joseph's Story" Genesis 37:1-35. This is the beginning of a series on the life of Joseph in the Old Testament, adapted from the messages that were taught earlier this year at Teen Reach Adventure Camp 2023.

April 16, 2023 Doug Davison
Spiritual Workouts
Stand-Alone Sermons (2023)
Doug Davison

"Spiritual Workouts" is a stand alone sermon from 1 Peter 1:15-16. For it is written, Be holy, because I am holy." What does the word "holy" mean? How does a person become holy? How does holiness "grow" in a Christian?

April 2, 2023 Mario Villella
Heaven Is Coming Here!
Stand-Alone Sermons (2023)
Mario Villella

A stand-alone sermon on eternity.

July 3, 2022 Doug Davison
Part 1: The Jerusalem Council
The Life of Paul: Series 2
Doug Davison

Life of Paul: Series 2 - "The Jerusalem Council", Acts 15. This sermon is about the importance of protecting the true meaning of the Gospel and an example of good church leadership and unity.

April 3, 2022 Mario Villella
Part 13: Why Paul Wrote One of His Earliest Books
The Life of Paul
Mario Villella

Part 13 of "The Life of Paul," Acts 14:21-15:2. Paul finished up his journey and headed home. After some time, false teachers began showing up.

February 6, 2022 Kennon Bickhart
God Is The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Stand-Alone Sermons (2022)
Kennon Bickhart

Every year the non-profit organization "Share the Love Ocala" puts on 2 summer camps for kids in the foster care system. This sermon (covering Isaiah 46:1-10) attempts to convince you to serve at one (or both) of these camps. While it is trying to convince you to serve at camp, it is also bigger than that.

January 16, 2022 Doug Davison
Part 3: New Life - New Living
The Life of Paul
Doug Davison

Part 3 of "The Life of Paul", Acts 9:19-31. This sermon is about Paul's very early ministry right after his conversion to Christianity. Scripture used is primarily Acts 9:19-31, Galatians 1 and various other Scriptures.

November 14, 2021 Mario Villella
Part 2: Shame
Hard Feelings
Mario Villella

Part 2 of "Hard Feelings". A sermon on what the Bible says about being ashamed.

July 18, 2021 Doug Davison
Part 19: The Sovereignty of God
Way of Wisdom
Doug Davison

God is sovereign over everything (small things, nature, humanity, evil and more). We can trust Him.

April 11, 2021 Mario Villella
Part 4: Why Does Christ’s Ascension Matter?
Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.
Mario Villella

Part 4 of "Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.", Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:8-11 and many others. This sermon lists ten reasons that the ascension matters.

March 28, 2021 Doug Davison
Part 2: Why Does Christ’s Death Matter?
Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.
Doug Davison

Part 2 of "Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.", John 19:28-42 and others. This sermon explains why Jesus needed to die.

December 9, 2018 Mario Villella
Christmas From Mary’s Point-of-View
Stand-Alone Sermons (2018)
Mario Villella

In this stand-alone sermon, we learn about the Christmas story from the point-of-view of Mary.  Also included is a teaching on how our present sufferings aren't worth being compared to the glory of the full salvation that comes to us in eternity.

September 2, 2018 Isaac Johnson
Faith That Overcomes
Stand-Alone Sermons (2018)
Isaac Johnson

Today's message about a faith that overcomes the uncertainty, troubles and failures of life. A faith that focuses on our Christ rather than circumstances. Today we will learn to keep our eyes on Christ as we talk about a faith that overcomes.

June 17, 2018 Isaac Johnson
Part 1: Ready To Suffer
Get Ready
Isaac Johnson

Part 1 of our series, "Get Ready". This is Paul's chance to pour into Timothy one more time. It is his opportunity to implore Timothy to stand tall and endure the suffering and hard times. Likewise, Pauls pleads with us to do the same. It is a plea to get ready to suffer.

October 8, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 2: The Holy Spirit’s Role In Changing Us
A Changed Life
Mario Villella

Part 2 of "A Changed Life." Romans 15:15-16 and others.  This sermon teaches on why and how the Holy Spirit changes us.  It also reminds us that He is the source of good in our lives.

March 5, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 2: The World
Under The Sun
Mario Villella

This is the second part of our series, "Under The Sun" - Ecclesiastes 1:2-15. This sermon is the second half the of the first sermon in the series, and it focuses on where the world's futility came from and what God is going to do about it.

March 20, 2016 Mario Villella
Part 4: Confronting Pharaoh
Out of Egypt
Mario Villella

This is the fourth part of our series, "Out of Egypt." Exodus 5:1-6:13. In this sermon, we will consider what we are to do/think when our obedience to God results in suffering.

March 13, 2016 Mario Villella
Part 3: The Calling of Moses
Out of Egypt
Mario Villella

This is the third part of our series, "Out of Egypt." Exodus 2-4. In this sermon, we get introduced to Moses and we see that God empowers people to accomplish His will.

February 14, 2016 Mario Villella
Part 3: Difficult Texts Involving The Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
Mario Villella

This is the third part of the series "Holy Spirit." In this sermon, we try to tackle some difficult texts that are related to the Holy Spirit.

May 10, 2015 Mario Villella
Part 1: The Story Begins
Ruth Redeemed
Mario Villella

Part 1 of the series, "Ruth Redeemed." Ruth 1:1-13. The story of Ruth begins with tragedy, so we begin with trying to understand some things about God in the midst of tragedy.

November 2, 2014 Luke Butler
Sin & Salvation: Good News in the Book of Romans
Stand-Alone Sermons (2014)
Luke Butler

To summarize this sermon, we could make this one statement. We're worse than we think we are, and Christ is better than we can imagine.

April 20, 2014 Mario Villella
Five People You Meet at an Easter Service
Stand-Alone Sermons (2014)
Mario Villella

Easter Sunday 2014.

May 5, 2013 Mario Villella
Part 3: Inside The Fish
Mario Villella

This is the third sermon in our series, "Jonah." Jonah 2:1-10. In this sermon we learn about Jonah's praying inside the fish.

December 2, 2012 Mario Villella
Part 3: Understanding Demons, Satan, and God
Angels & Demons
Mario Villella

This is the third part of our series, "Angels & Demons." In this sermon, we cover four misconceptions about Demons, Satan, and God.