Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

Sermons by Scripture

A listing of all our sermons for Luke 1

December 26, 2021 Doug Davison
Part 4: The Magi Show Up
Planned & Unplanned Parenthood
Doug Davison

Part 4 of Planned & Unplanned Parenthood: The Magi Show Up, Matthew 2:1-12. This sermon is about God faithfully and lovingly guiding people to know and worship His Son - Jesus!

December 19, 2021 Mario Villella
Part 3: Zechariah & Mary’s Response
Planned & Unplanned Parenthood
Mario Villella

Part 3 of "Planned and Unplanned Parenthood." Luke 1:1-80. A sermon on the unexpected pregnancies involving Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary in Luke chapter one.

April 11, 2021 Mario Villella
Part 4: Why Does Christ’s Ascension Matter?
Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.
Mario Villella

Part 4 of "Life. Death. Resurrection. Ascension.", Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:8-11 and many others. This sermon lists ten reasons that the ascension matters.

December 14, 2020 Mario Villella
Part 2: Fulfilled Prophecy
Christmas As...
Mario Villella

Part 2 of "Christmas As". Luke 2:25-38 and others. An explanation about the ways in which the Christmas story is related to Old Testament prophecies.

December 6, 2020 Mario Villella
Part 1: History
Christmas As...
Mario Villella

Part 1 of "Christmas As". Luke 1:1-4. An apologetic (meaning "speaking in defense") message on the truth of the Christmas story.

December 23, 2018 Mario Villella
Part 2: A King Is Chosen
Back To Bethlehem
Mario Villella

Part 2 of the series, "Back to Bethlehem." In this sermon, we learn about David and his connection to Christmas/Jesus.

December 9, 2018 Mario Villella
Christmas From Mary’s Point-of-View
Stand-Alone Sermons (2018)
Mario Villella

In this stand-alone sermon, we learn about the Christmas story from the point-of-view of Mary.  Also included is a teaching on how our present sufferings aren't worth being compared to the glory of the full salvation that comes to us in eternity.

January 15, 2017 Mario Villella
Life Interrupted
Stand-Alone Sermons (2017)
Mario Villella

A sermon on God's perspective toward children in the womb.

December 23, 2012 Mario Villella
Part 3: The Time When An Angel Appeared To Zechariah And Mary
Mario Villella

This is the third part of our "Christmas" series. Luke 1:5-80. In this sermon, we cover a lot of ground looking at the accounts where the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and Mary, and what their reactions were.

December 16, 2012 Mario Villella
Part 2: The Historicity Of Christmas
Mario Villella

This is the second part of our "Christmas" series. Luke 1:1-4. In this sermon, we will talk about why it is important to view the Christmas story as literal history, not fable or legend.

December 18, 2011 Mario Villella
The Life and Times of Mary, Mother of Jesus
Stand-Alone Sermons (2011)
Mario Villella

This Christmastime sermon gives us an overview of the life of Mary starting in Luke 1:26-55 and ending up at John 19:25. By looking back at her story we are reminded of some important truths about how God fits our stories into the bigger and greater story that He is telling about Himself.