Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

Sermons by Scripture

A listing of all our sermons for Isaiah 53

November 10, 2024 Doug Davison
Part 13: Caiaphas
Conversations Jesus Had
Doug Davison

Conversations Jesus Had, Part 13: Caiaphas. Matthew 26:57-68. Caiaphas' story is a tragic reminder that being religious does very little. Only one thing matters - saving faith in Jesus Christ.

November 26, 2023 Doug Davison
Part 3: King
Titles of the Christ
Doug Davison

Titles of the Christ, Part 3: King. As King, Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth - Matthew 28:18. Even the rolled dice of Yahtzee are under His authority - Proverbs 16:33. In this sermon Jesus' authority over creation, governments, Satan, sin and salvation is presented using lots of confirming Scriptures.

July 12, 2020 Mario Villella
Part 11: Jesus, Pilate, & Barabbas
The Gospel of Mark: Series 4
Mario Villella

Part 11 of "Gospel of Mark, Series 4" Mark 15:1-15. This is the way Jesus went from "convicted of blasphemy" by the Sanhedrin toward a crucifixion authorized by the Romans.

February 2, 2020 Mario Villella
Part 4: God Saved Us
Mario Villella

Part 4 of "Reset." 2 Corinthians 5:21 and others. In this sermon, we learn about why the gospel is so important, with a specific focus on what "Christ died for our sins" means.

March 22, 2015 Mario Villella
Part 12: Gethsemane
Places Jesus Went
Mario Villella

Part 12 of the series, "Places Jesus Went." Matthew 26:36-56. This sermon covers the time when Jesus went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane and was betrayed by Judas.