Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

Sermons by Scripture

A listing of all our sermons for Mark 1

September 8, 2024 Mario Villella
Part 4: The First Disciples
Conversations Jesus Had
Mario Villella

Part 4 of "Conversations Jesus Had." Mark 1:14-20. This sermon covers the calling of the first disciples.

November 26, 2023 Doug Davison
Part 3: King
Titles of the Christ
Doug Davison

Titles of the Christ, Part 3: King. As King, Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth - Matthew 28:18. Even the rolled dice of Yahtzee are under His authority - Proverbs 16:33. In this sermon Jesus' authority over creation, governments, Satan, sin and salvation is presented using lots of confirming Scriptures.

September 3, 2023 Mario Villella
Jesus and His Miracles
Stand-Alone Sermons (2023)
Mario Villella

This sermon argues for belief in the miracles of Jesus, and points out that they were non-selfish and mostly restorative, making Jesus quite a bit different than our superheroes, and even different from any sinner who gets a hold of power.

August 20, 2023 Mario Villella
Part 1: How He Prayed
Praying Like Jesus
Mario Villella

Part 1 of "Praying Like Jesus" Mark 1:35 and other verses. In this sermon, we look to the pattern of Jesus' prayer life as we make decisions about our own.

July 18, 2021 Doug Davison
Part 19: The Sovereignty of God
Way of Wisdom
Doug Davison

God is sovereign over everything (small things, nature, humanity, evil and more). We can trust Him.

May 23, 2021 Jeremy Richards
Part 6: Intentional Evangelism B
Jeremy Richards

Part 6 of the "Intentional" series. In this sermon, Jeremy Richards teaches some practical methods for evangelism that can be found through a program called "The Way of the Master".

May 12, 2019 Mario Villella
Part 3: Baptism
Making Sense of Church
Mario Villella

Part 3 of the series "Making Sense of Church." In this sermon, we learn about baptism.

April 7, 2019 Mario Villella
Part 7: He Even Makes Deaf People Hear
The Gospel of Mark: Series 2
Mario Villella

Part 7 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark" Mark 7:31-37. In this passage, we see that Jesus healed a deaf/mute man.

March 10, 2019 Mario Villella
Part 3: Understanding The Loaves
The Gospel of Mark: Series 2
Mario Villella

Part 3 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark". Mark 6:30-52. What are we supposed to conclude from the feeding of the 5,000 and the time Jesus walked on water?

September 30, 2018 Mario Villella
Part 4: One Who Has Authority
The Gospel of Mark: Series 1
Mario Villella

Part 4 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 1:21-2:12. In this sermon, we learn several stories where we learn about Jesus' authority, as well as the fact that he wanted some things to be kept a secret.

September 23, 2018 Mario Villella
Part 3: They Left Their _____ and Followed Him
The Gospel of Mark: Series 1
Mario Villella

Part 3 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 1:16-20. Following Jesus means there will be things you leave behind.

September 16, 2018 Mario Villella
Part 2: The Beginning of the Gospel
The Gospel of Mark: Series 1
Mario Villella

Part 2 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." The gospel is a plan orchestrated by God himself. We are responsible to repent and believe.

September 9, 2018 Mario Villella
Part 1: Introduction
The Gospel of Mark: Series 1
Mario Villella

Part 1 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." This is an introduction to the book of Mark.

September 3, 2017 Mario Villella
Part 1: How Jesus Prayed
How To Pray
Mario Villella

Part 1 of "How To Pray." Mark 1:35, Luke 5:15-16, and others. This sermon reveals some of Jesus' practices when it came to His prayer life and how we ought to imitate them.

April 24, 2016 Jim Ungaro
The Touch of the Master’s Hand
Stand-Alone Sermons (2016)
Jim Ungaro

Our God is a compassionate God. We must approach Him like the leper, with boldness and confidence.

October 5, 2014 Mario Villella
Part 5: Called To Reach Out
Why We Do What We Do
Mario Villella

This is part five of the series, "Why We Do What We Do." Mark 1:14-18. In this sermon, we talk about the call on our lives to reach people who don't know God yet.

October 9, 2011 Mario Villella
Part 8: The Call To Mission
The Three Things We Do
Mario Villella