Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.
Part 2

The Beginning of the Gospel

September 16, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 2 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." The gospel is a plan orchestrated by God himself. We are responsible to repent and believe.
  • Mark 1:1-15
  • Acts 4:23-28

Other Sermons in the Series

last updated on Sep 10, 2018
September 9, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 1: Introduction
Part 1 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." This is an introduction to the book of Mark.
September 16, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 2: The Beginning of the Gospel
Part 2 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." The gospel is a plan orchestrated by God himself. We are responsible to repent and believe.
September 23, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 3: They Left Their _____ and Followed Him
Part 3 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 1:16-20. Following Jesus means there will be things you leave behind.
September 30, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 4: One Who Has Authority
Part 4 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 1:21-2:12. In this sermon, we learn several stories where we learn about Jesus' authority, as well as the fact that he wanted some things to be kept a secret.
October 8, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 5: Jesus Calls Sinners
Part 5 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 2:13-17.  In this sermon, we learn about a time when Jesus ate with sinners.
October 14, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 6: Pharisees Oppose Jesus
Part 6 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 2:18-3:6. In this sermon, we learn about how Jesus dealt with objections.
October 21, 2018
Isaac Johnson
Isaac Johnson
Part 7: Jesus Appoints Twelve
In this passage we are reminded that Jesus loves us enough to give us a job and give us himself. Yes, Jesus is concerned about productivity; but he is also concerned about being in relationship with us.
October 28, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 8: Jesus, Accused By Scribes
Part 8 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 3:20-30. In this sermon, we learn about what Jesus said when the scribes accused him of being demon-possessed.
November 4, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 9: Jesus Identifies His True Family
Part 9 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 3:31-35.  In this sermon, we learn about who Jesus considered to be his mother, and brother, and sisters.
November 11, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 10: The Parable of the Sower
Part 10 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 4:1-20.  In this sermon, we learn the Parable of the Sower.
November 18, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 11: More Parables
Part 11 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 4:21-34.  In this sermon, we learn more parables that Jesus told.
November 25, 2018
Isaac Johnson
Isaac Johnson
Part 12: Power Over Disaster
Part 12 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 4:35-41. While it is true that Jesus is the one who calms the storms; the message of this passage is what will our response be during storms. Will we show faith in the midst of fear, or allow our fear to push us to faithless responses.
December 2, 2018
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 13: Power Over Demons
Part 13 of the series, "The Gospel of Mark." Mark 5:1-20.  In this sermon, we learn about a time when Jesus cast out some demons in the region of a Gerasenes.