Mario Villella

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Finding Time

Finding Time

January 16, 2013
by Mario Villella

One thing I learned a long time ago is that everyone has time for what is most important to them. I know we occasionally say things like, “I just don’t have time for _________ like other people do.” But if we thought about it, we’d realize that’s not quite true. It’s not like some of us have 8-day weeks and others of us have 6-day weeks. We all have the same amount of time, the same 24 hours in all of our days.
Good News Church Is Going To Two Services

Good News Church Is Going To Two Services

February 17, 2013
by Mario Villella

Yep. You read that right. Good News Church has grown enough that we will need to go to two services if we want to continue to grow. Today, I looked at the blueprints for the building we meet in, and I counted the number of chairs that were estimated to be in the sanctuary back then when they were drawn up. The blueprints showed about 112 chairs. Last week, we had 188 people in the main room before the children were dismissed.
KidZone Is Expanding!

KidZone Is Expanding!

March 10, 2013
by Mario Villella

Because Good News is now going to two services, KidZone will be doubling too! And, while we are making changes, we are going to adjust one of our nurseries (ToddlerZone) to include one more age group, and our children’s classes (PrimaryZone) to include two more age groups. So, here is the new way that we will be breaking down our children’s ministry...
Still Keepin' It Simple

Still Keepin' It Simple

June 30, 2013
by Mario Villella

For those of you who don't know, Good News will be turning two years old at the end of the summer. Earlier this week, I looked back at the first newsletter that I sent out to the congregation back then. Here are some excerpts...
Fall 2013 Community Groups

Fall 2013 Community Groups

August 25, 2013
by Mario Villella

We are starting new community groups this fall. Find out all the pertinent information about these upcoming groups, why we are asking you to be a part of one, and how you can sign up.
Ministering To Children

Ministering To Children

November 8, 2013
by Mario Villella

This week, I was reading a book that addressed the importance of the spiritual formation of children by their parents. It made me think about some things, and then after I thought them, I decided I should share them — especially since I’m not sure when will be the next time that I will address this.
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