Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.


Our Archive of all Past Articles

Good News for Good News Church

Good News for Good News Church

May 20, 2015
by Gary Haverdink

The day has finally arrived. We are starting construction of our new 450-seat sanctuary. The building will be located 32 feet south of our existing building. The existing building will be converted to all classrooms, after the completion of our new auditorium.
Simple Church

Simple Church

May 7, 2015
by Mario Villella

Thomas Paine used this axiom to make a point about the nature of government back in 1776. But I think that it is also helpful to apply this principle to other contexts. I think is safe to say that the more simple any church is, the less liable it is to be disordered, and the easier repaired when disordered.
What I Hope To Explain to My Son (and What I Want You to Know) About Church Giving
I have three children. Since Joey is the oldest one, when I imagine future conversations about things that my kids are too young to understand now, I imagine talking to him about those things first. One day (Lord willing) Joey will turn 16 and get his first job. And somewhere around that time, I’m going to want to talk to him about how his finances intersect with his church life.
My Favorite Thing About Community Group

My Favorite Thing About Community Group

April 1, 2015
by Linnea Curington

My favorite thing about our community group is that it’s not “churchy” in the sense that everyone puts on their best face and acts very spiritual and serious. I like that we meet at the Lusk’s house and our kids run around and we can drink a beer and talk about what’s really happening in our lives. Our group is full of talkers, but good listeners too.
Moving Toward the End of the School Year

Moving Toward the End of the School Year

April 1, 2015
by Mario Villella

So, I suppose there are about two more months left of this school year and then summer is here. Let me give you a little peek at what we are thinking about doing in the next few months.
Be Free

Be Free

February 5, 2015
by Tiffany Bagasan

Something beautiful about Royal Family Kids Camp is people’s quick reaction to want to help in some way. The stories of our campers draw you in. The idea of a week long ‘celebration’ to care for kids who have experienced broken families, pain and disappointment inspires us. We get a chance to bring hope to a child’s life in the middle of such chaos and disruption. It is the beauty–from–ashes kind of stuff the bible talks about. We all connect to those types of stories because they are similar to our own lost but now found, old but now made new, chained but now free. FREE.
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