Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.


Our Archive of all Past Articles

What About Supporting Missions?

What About Supporting Missions?

December 7, 2013
by Mario Villella

Not too long ago, I was reminded of a question that church people sometimes ask: “What does our church do to support missions?” I want to answer this question in two ways. First, I want to answer the spirit of the question. That is, I will give the answer that the question-asker is looking for. But secondly, I want to answer the question a little more literally.
Ministering To Children

Ministering To Children

November 8, 2013
by Mario Villella

This week, I was reading a book that addressed the importance of the spiritual formation of children by their parents. It made me think about some things, and then after I thought them, I decided I should share them — especially since I’m not sure when will be the next time that I will address this.
Good News People Get Involved

Good News People Get Involved

October 5, 2013
by Gary Haverdink

This past week as I was finalizing our Community Groups for this fall, I came to realize what an extraordinary congregation we have. We have great diversity, not only in age, but also where we are on our spiritual journey.
Fall 2013 Community Groups

Fall 2013 Community Groups

August 25, 2013
by Mario Villella

We are starting new community groups this fall. Find out all the pertinent information about these upcoming groups, why we are asking you to be a part of one, and how you can sign up.
Let Us Run The Race

Let Us Run The Race

June 30, 2013
by Kennon Bickhart

Hebrews 12:1, "[...] Let us run the race with endurance that lies before us...". Many of us have heard this verse many times, and I bet many of us have thought of a marathon, or triathalon when picturing what this verse means. I want to challenge that thought a little bit.
Still Keepin' It Simple

Still Keepin' It Simple

June 30, 2013
by Mario Villella

For those of you who don't know, Good News will be turning two years old at the end of the summer. Earlier this week, I looked back at the first newsletter that I sent out to the congregation back then. Here are some excerpts...
A list of topics that we have covered in past articles. Use this list to narrow down the archive to particular themes.
A list of people who have written articles for us in the past. Use this list to narrow down the archive to particular authors.