Mario Villella

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Ending the livestream.  Why did you do this? Are you trying to hurt us?
No, and I am sorry if it came across that way. I’ve never pastored a church during a pandemic before and I’m trying to do the best that I can. Some of us in leadership (but not all of us) are concerned about the effect of “internet church.” Some of us, myself included, believe that it is actually not good for people to watch something on a screen and believe that they have “gone to church online.”
Participation Over Attendance

Participation Over Attendance

December 3, 2020
by Mario Villella

You affect more than you realize at church gatherings. Listen and watch as Mario explains this concept and its effect on the church body.
Consider Giving Good News Church a Christmas Gift this Year
This is just a quick blurb to let you know how our church is doing financially. First, I’ll point out that, after a weak first quarter, giving actually increased a bit during the time period that came right after the media announcements related to Covid-19. Amazingly, during April and May, Good News actually received more money than we had received during the same time in 2019. Wow. What a blessing!
You Don't Have Everyone's Job

You Don't Have Everyone's Job

December 10, 2020
by Mario Villella

In this video Mario explains the concept of the church as a body and how the body has many parts with distinct roles. This video was inspired by John Piper's recent article on Desiring God, and this is found scripturally in Romans 12.
Bringing the Next Associate Pastor On Board

Bringing the Next Associate Pastor On Board

January 10, 2021
by Mario Villella

We have good news to share! The search for the next pastor at Good News Church is complete. We are hiring Doug Davison to be our next associate pastor!
This Year, Good News Financially Supported More Missionary Work and Acts of Compassion Than Ever Before!
I have such exciting news to share. After looking over our financial statements for 2020, I noticed that Good News Church gave away $83,569.69 this year! That is the most we’ve ever done.
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