Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

Consider Giving Good News Church a Christmas Gift this Year

December 10, 2020 Mario Villella Announcement , Finance

This is just a quick blurb to let you know how our church is doing financially. First, I’ll point out that, after a weak first quarter, giving actually increased a bit during the time period that came right after the media announcements related to Covid-19. Amazingly, during April and May, Good News actually received more money than we had received during the same time in 2019. Wow. What a blessing!

So, things have gone surprisingly well (from a financial perspective) this year. However, as I’ve looked at the financial reports for these past couple of months, I’ve noticed that giving has been down lately – not just down from the increase of April and May, but it is even just generally down compared to this same time period last year.

As usual, this is not a high-pressure sort of fundraising letter. I’m simply giving you a short update on our financial status, and asking you to consider making a financial contribution to Good News Church between now and December 31.
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The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Mario Villella

Lead Pastor / Elder

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