Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.


Our Archive of all Past Articles

What Happens To A Baby Who Dies?

What Happens To A Baby Who Dies?

September 13, 2023
by Mario Villella

This is a question that not many people care a lot about until a young one close to them dies. I've been asked this question over the years, with the most recent occasion being on a Sunday morning at church this past month. Here is the answer that I gave them.
Going Through Old Things I Wrote

Going Through Old Things I Wrote

August 30, 2023
by Mario Villella

I was recently going through some old documents on my computer and found a couple of things that I wrote a while back but never released publicly.
Now Is The Time To Join A Group!

Now Is The Time To Join A Group!

August 16, 2023
by Doug Davison

"Now is the time to join a group." When others who aren't in a group hear this kind of statement, they often respond by asking, “Why?” I’m glad you asked!
I Don't Know How Much You Give

I Don't Know How Much You Give

August 16, 2023
by Mario Villella

This has been a longstanding policy at Good News Church and yet, I don’t recall if I’ve ever said anything about this publicly. But now you can know, Good News Church keeps me out of the loop as to who gives which amounts of money to the church.
Would You Like To Dedicate Your Child?

Would You Like To Dedicate Your Child?

August 16, 2023
by Kennon Bickhart

Sign-up to dedicate your child on September 10th, 2023.
Sign-up For Youth Text Alerts

Sign-up For Youth Text Alerts

August 16, 2023
by Jenny Stanley

Text the word YOUTH to 352-707-9707 to sign-up.
A list of topics that we have covered in past articles. Use this list to narrow down the archive to particular themes.
A list of people who have written articles for us in the past. Use this list to narrow down the archive to particular authors.