Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.


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What Do You Do With Sadness?

What Do You Do With Sadness?

December 2, 2021
by Doug Davison

Let’s jump right in and start looking at the life of Jesus during one of his saddest, if not the saddest, moments while on the earth. May God help us apply the same strategies that Jesus used.
A Year-End Report for 2021

A Year-End Report for 2021

December 27, 2021
by Mario Villella

Every once and a while, I look backwards and try to summarize what took place during the year at Good News Church. Here are some thoughts on 2021.
Gospel Presentation at a Funeral Attended Mostly by Non-Christians
Not too long ago, I got the opportunity to present the gospel at a funeral that was mostly attended by non-Christians. Since it was not a “public sermon,” the words that I said that day were not recorded or otherwise made available to the congregation of Good News Church. But, I’ve reproduced the content of that message here.
Why Do Some People Get Easily Frustrated About Church Stuff?
When I was 11 years old, I was on a football team. If I remember right, my mother had signed me up for the team without asking me if I was interested.
If Walls Could Talk...

If Walls Could Talk...

October 28, 2022
by Jenny Stanley

Every Sunday in KidZone is EXCITING! You might ask how is that possible for every Sunday to be exciting? It’s because every week kids are learning the Bible and hearing about Jesus. Every week!
Different Stages in a Church Family’s Life

Different Stages in a Church Family’s Life

July 26, 2023
by Mario Villella

Recently, I was thinking about something related to church life that reminded me of something about parenting life.  In both cases, a family is started, there is growth and, at times, growing pains. And as the family matures, there is both a kind of grieving that happens - at the loss of something that only exists in the early stages - as well as a rejoicing regarding some of the fruits of growth and maturity.
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