Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

If Walls Could Talk...

October 28, 2022 Jenny Stanley Organization , KidZone , Encouragement

Every Sunday in KidZone is EXCITING! You might ask how is that possible for every Sunday to be exciting? It’s because every week kids are learning the Bible and hearing about Jesus. Every week! We are currently using a curriculum for children ages three through third grade called The Gospel Project, and I wanted to tell you why I’m a big fan. Over the course of three years, these lessons cover the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Our children learn the popular stories like Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, and David and Goliath, but they also learn stories in between such as Hannah’s fervent prayers being answered, Jeremiah the encouraging prophet and Nehemiah helping rebuild the temple walls.
Another great thing about these lessons is that each one points to Jesus. When the lesson is about a king, we remind kids that Jesus is the ultimate King. When the message is about rebuilding the temple, we teach that one day Jesus will rebuild and restore all things.
Each week, a new picture for the lesson is added to our Gospel Project timeline on the walls in each classroom. You will be amazed at how many stories our kids can re-tell according to this illustrated timeline. We just started the New Testament section a few weeks ago, and are now learning about John the Baptist, the birth of Jesus (yes, Christmas in October!) and Mary and Joseph dedicating Jesus in the Temple.
So, if you have a child in KidZone, please visit the KidZone building sometime and ask your child for a tour of the timeline in his or her classroom. You will see what they are learning, and they can tell you some amazing stories! All classes learn the same lesson on Sunday morning, and parents can utilize the family discussion questions on the take home activity page to review the lesson with the whole family.
And if you don’t have a child in KidZone, would you please be in prayer for our teachers and children? And I would encourage you to still come by sometime and take a look at the photo timeline of Bible lessons. I guarantee you will leave excited about this great endeavor of teaching our children the Good News.
"... We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done." Psalm 78:4
How exciting is that?!
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Jenny Stanley

Director of Children & Youth

A list of topics covered in this article.