Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

This Year’s Christmas Eve Services will be at 4:00pm and 5:30pm!

November 12, 2024 Kennon Bickhart Announcement

Despite last year's efforts to change the way you interpret "eve", we will be having an evening service this year. In fact, we'll be doing two of them! One will be at 4:00pm, and the other at 5:30pm.

We hope you can join us on this night to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Do plan on coming, especially if you love Christmas songs. Even if you don't love Christmas songs, who can say no to singing together about how Jesus has come and saved us? But even if that doesn't convince you, you should make it a priority to be there because we don't do many services outside of Sunday mornings. This is one of only two special services, and if you come, you'll be able to tell everyone else that you went. Annnnd if you aren't motivated by now, well then I'm not sure what to say... Well maybe this quote from Tim Keller will help:
The incarnation [Jesus coming to earth as a human] means that God suffered, and that Jesus triumphed through suffering. That means, as Hebrews 2:17–18 said, that Jesus now has an infinite power to comfort. Christmas shows you a God unlike the god of any other faith. Have you been betrayed? Have you been lonely? Have you been destitute? Have you faced death? So has he! Some say, “You don’t understand. I have prayed to God for things, and God ignored my prayer.” In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus cried out, “Father . . . may this cup be taken from me” (Matthew 23:39) and he was turned down. Jesus knows the pain of unanswered prayer. Some say, “I feel like God has abandoned me.” What do you think Jesus was saying on the cross when he said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” (Matthew 27:46)? Christianity says God has been all the places you have been; he has been in the darkness you are in now, and more. And, therefore, you can trust him; you can rely on him, because he knows and has the power to comfort, strengthen, and bring you through.

[The incarnation also means that] when God showed up in Jesus Christ, he was not a pillar of fire, not a tornado, but a baby. There is nothing like a baby. Even young children have their own agenda and can run from you. But the little babies can be picked up, hugged, kissed, and they’re open to it, they cling to you. Why would God come this time in the form of a baby, rather than a firestorm or whirlwind? Because this time he has come not to bring judgment but to bear it, to pay the penalty for our sins, to take away the barrier between humanity and God, so we can be together. Jesus is God with us.
Let's plan on celebrating the glorious coming of our risen Savior together!
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Kennon Bickhart

Creative Arts Director

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