The Christmas Season Is Here!

December 1, 2022 Mario Villella Announcement

The Christmas season is upon us, and I have three things to announce related to it:

1) New Series: Technically About Christmas
Beginning this Sunday (Dec 4), we plan to begin a new series that will focus on Christmas, but not in the typical way. We will not be covering the traditional stories found in Matthew and Luke as we did last year. Instead, we will focus on three other scriptures that are about Christ’s coming (technically about Christmas!) but are more often taught during other seasons. These passages will help us see how the Christmas story is related to our everyday lives.

2) Christmas Eve Services: December 24 at 3:30 and 5:00pm
This year Christmas Eve falls on a Saturday, and we will be celebrating the birth of Christ at a special service. The two services will be identical (well, as much as is possible) and there will be an earlier one for the people who want to get to their family dinners on time, and a later one for the people who like celebrating closer to evening time. There will be childcare for preschool-aged kids and younger, however all other ages are welcome to come celebrate with the rest of us in the auditorium.

3) There will be no church services on Christmas morning
Because we will have just celebrated the birth of Christ as a church about 18 hours earlier, we will not be having any church services on December 25 this year. Enjoy the morning and we will see you back for regular church on January 1. 
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Mario Villella

Lead Pastor / Elder

A list of topics covered in this article.