Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.

God's Church, Many Ministers

September 6, 2020 Heidi Villella Organization

Good News Church has been blessed for years with many people with different spiritual gifts, different experiences and different maturity levels. We are one big family that God has brought together. While we look for an associate pastor, I wanted to give you an update on how we fill in those roles until that search is complete.

Here are the updates:

1. Community and Study Groups:  Sign-ups just opened up!

This semester we have seventeen groups currently going on - twelve groups that are open, and five that are closed because of the large group size. There will be some groups that meet in-person, some online, and some that will be meeting outdoors. Find a group that will fit your schedule!

This semester I will be overseeing the administration of groups, while Brad Smith (a former PCA elder and godly man) will be helping group leaders with theological questions or any practical questions about group life. He will be a great resource for our leaders!

2. If during the week, you call/email the church office and have a pastoral need, counseling, or a chaplain-like need, this is the plan:  
If you are a part of a community or study group, we will encourage you to check in with your group leaders first for help. God has blessed Good News with some amazing godly leaders that are there to help meet tangible needs or pray with you. 
We will also be using godly women and men from our Counseling Team. We also have quite a few men that used to be pastors that call Good News Church home. Two of those people that Kim Dehart (the church secretary) might set you up an appointment or phone call with is Al Dehart (former youth pastor and Covenant Seminary grad) or Daniel Gilland (Former Acts29 pastor from New York currently teaching the Good News Youth on Thursday evenings).
I think this plan fits with the idea that this is God’s church and there are many ministers that make Good News Church special and my favorite church!
The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Heidi Villella

Director of Operations

A list of topics covered in this article.