Celebrating Some Wins

March 16, 2018 Mario Villella

I once read a book that spoke of the importance of “celebrating the wins” in ministry. The idea is that we should not only work hard and try to accomplish the things that God has for us to do, but we also should celebrate when things go well. This helps us to be encouraged and inspires us to keep going.

So, in this article, I wanted to report for you several things that have been going well around here at Good News Church. (This list is in no particular order).

LATARA ARTHUR – We hired a new director of kids ministry back in January and she is working out great. She has already begun to emphasize the importance of depending on God by having our KidZone teachers meet for prayer before each teaching session. She’s switching our curriculum to The Gospel Project, which I think was a great idea. And as I have observed the way she ministers to others who are around her, I am happy with how she handles things. So, as best as I can tell, we definitely hired the right person. I’m happy about that.

KENNON BICKHART – You may have noticed that Kennon has spent the past year transitioning our band from “there’s just one leader” to “there are multiple leaders” leading us in worship. He’s doing a good job of not only “doing ministry” but also “empowering others” to do ministry. Additionally, he revamped our website this year. If you haven’t seen it, you should check it out. It’s great.

ISAAC JOHNSON – Hiring Isaac was game-changer for me. Back in 2016, I was at a low-point, emotionally. The church had grown so much so fast, and I was unable to keep up with everyone. I felt kinda’ like a juggler who can handle three balls well. But then a fourth one was added. Then I got used to that, and a fifth one was added. And by the time the sixth ball was thrown into the mix, I was wondering if I could even keep being a juggler. Fortunately, we realized that handing three of the balls over to Isaac was a better idea. Since he’s been here, my stress levels have been down and my happiness level has been up. I’m very thankful for him.

KIM DEHART – Kim is the ministry assistant here, and I sorta’ can’t imagine how she could be better at her job. She has an instinctual ability to problem-solve. It’s cool to watch.

HEIDI VILLELLA – My wife, Heidi, came on board as the (volunteer) operations director about a year ago. She’s doing great. I think that one of the many reasons she is good at this job is that she basically already does it at home. I was just thinking about how, in our personal life, I am the “pastor” of our family, and she is basically the “operations director” for the Villella household. Now this dynamic has extended into church life, and it’s been a good experience.

THE ELDERS – Though I talk to the elders throughout the month, we officially meet once per month, usually the second Saturday at 7:30am. Whenever I leave an elder meeting I am happy and encouraged. I usually call Heidi on the drive home and tell her how great it went. This may not sound like a big deal, but I know that there are many pastors out there who do not experience this. Hundreds of pastors dread elder meetings, because they are filled with disunity and rancor. I am so thankful for the men who serve on the board of this church.

NON-CHRISTIANS ATTENDING – This has been a passion of mine from day one. I had, for a long time, wanted to be able create an environment where someone who does not know Jesus could show up and learn the Bible in a way that is understandable and helpful to them. And that has pretty much been the case for the past seven years. We’ve seen a continuous pattern of people who don’t know Jesus showing up. And every so often, one of them will become a Christian. And some time goes by, and then there’s another one. I’m thrilled to be a part of this.

THE BIBLE IS TAUGHT – In addition to the many topical messages that were designed to help us handle different issues of Christian living, we’ve also been able to work our way through books of the Bible. So far we’ve learned Galatians, Esther, Jonah, Habakkuk, Hebrews, Ruth, Philippians, a survey of the Gospels (twice), Exodus, Ecclesiastes, and now 1 Timothy.

LIFE CHANGE – One of the most exciting things has been watching God use His people to change the lives of others:

  • I recently heard a story about how a couple of women at our church are helping to disciple another woman who is very new to the faith. Hearing about that was very exciting.
  • I also found out that there is a different young lady who recently professed faith in Christ at Good News, and now she is diving in and trying to volunteer on multiple ministry teams!
  • Back on January 14, when we were on Focused, part 1, I spoke to a man after the service, who (I think) has never been much of a church attender. After the sermon that morning he said something like, “All my life I’ve never heard anyone explain to me whyI should go to church!” And the way he said it, I could tell he was happy to finally know.
  • The reaction to the Stewardship & Generosity series was also encouraging. It seems that several people plan on changing the way they handle their money in an effort to steward God’s money better. Man, that’s cool.

Ok, well, I could probably go on for several more pages if I tried. But I think I’ll end this article here. I’m glad that I get to remind myself, and all of you, that seven years into this church, God continues to bless.

The person who wrote this article. Find out more information about them below.
Mario Villella

Lead Pastor / Elder

A list of topics covered in this article.