Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.
Part 4

Traditions and Commands

March 17, 2019
Isaac Johnson
Isaac Johnson
This is Part 4 of our second series of, "The Gospel of Mark". Mark 6:53-56. Mark 7:1-15. Jesus is not impressed by our weekly performance of checking off the religious boxes. Jesus is impressed by our heart and it's desperate desire for more of Him!
  • Mark 6:53-56
  • Mark 7:1-15

Other Sermons in the Series

last updated on Feb 13, 2019
February 24, 2019
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 1: Faith and Unbelief
Part 1 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark". Mark 5:21-6:13. God treats faith and unbelief differently.
March 3, 2019
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 2: The Death of John the Baptist
Part 2 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark"  Mark 6:14-29. Three exhortations from the gruesome account of John the Baptist's death.
March 10, 2019
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 3: Understanding The Loaves
Part 3 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark". Mark 6:30-52. What are we supposed to conclude from the feeding of the 5,000 and the time Jesus walked on water?
March 17, 2019
Isaac Johnson
Isaac Johnson
Part 4: Traditions and Commands
This is Part 4 of our second series of, "The Gospel of Mark". Mark 6:53-56. Mark 7:1-15. Jesus is not impressed by our weekly performance of checking off the religious boxes. Jesus is impressed by our heart and it's desperate desire for more of Him!
March 25, 2019
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 5: Defilement Comes From The Heart
Part 5 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark" Mark 7:17-23. In this passage we learn that that which defiles a person comes from within them, not outside of them.
April 1, 2019
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 6: The Syrophoenician Mother
Part 6 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark". Mark 7:24-30. In this passage, we see how Jesus handled an encounter with a gentile woman.
April 7, 2019
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 7: He Even Makes Deaf People Hear
Part 7 of the second series of, "The Gospel of Mark" Mark 7:31-37. In this passage, we see that Jesus healed a deaf/mute man.
April 14, 2019
Isaac Johnson
Isaac Johnson
Part 8: The Enemy Within
We can win every significant battle on the outside; but have no idea of the enemy within slowly taking our lives. This can happen with our spiritual lives; and Jesus warns us of this in our passage today.