Our Good Friday service will be at 6:30 pm on April 18th. Childcare available from birth to Pre-K.
Part 1

Anxiety vs. Peace

June 23, 2013
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
This is the first sermon in our series, "Emotions." Philippians 4:6-9. In this sermon, we will cover the first part of a two-part message on how to handle anxiety and have peace.
  • Philippians 4:6-9
  • Matthew 6:25-33

Other Sermons in the Series

last updated on Nov 1, 2021
June 23, 2013
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 1: Anxiety vs. Peace
This is the first sermon in our series, "Emotions." Philippians 4:6-9. In this sermon, we will cover the first part of a two-part message on how to handle anxiety and have peace.
June 30, 2013
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 2: Anxiety vs. Peace Strikes Back
This is the second sermon in our series, "Emotions." Philippians 4:6-9. In this sermon, we will cover the second part of a two-part message on how to handle anxiety and have peace.
July 7, 2013
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 3: Anger vs. Reconciliation
This is the third sermon in our series, "Emotions." Ephesians 4:26, James 1:19-20 & Matthew 5:21-26. This sermon explains some of what the Bible says about anger.
July 14, 2013
Mario Villella
Mario Villella
Part 4: Sadness vs. Joy
This is the fourth sermon in our series, "Emotions." 2 Corinthians 7:8-10 & Psalm 42. This sermon explains some of what the Bible says about sadness.